Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I'm so frustrated today!  We got word that the birth mom decided that she didn't want to look at profiles so far away from her.  (She lives in Georgia).  It frustrates me that the social workers let it go this far.  Involving 14 families, sending our books down to GA and getting all of our hopes up and then none of the books even got looked at. 

I am at the point where I have removed most emotions from the profile showings and have refrained myself from getting really excited, but it truly is hard to remove all emotions 100%.  Every profile showing that goes by we wonder "is this the one?" Like a woman trying to get pregnant, every pregnancy test she takes wondering if this is it, that's the feeling I have. You try so hard to not get too excited but it's unavoidable. 

It will be 2 years this summer that we have been waiting and have a lot of hard decisions we have to make soon if we will continue this journey or not.  It's truly an exhausting process, one we could have never prepared ourselves for 100%.  Some days I feel like I am constantly on a roller coaster.  Please pray for our family.  We are not ready to give up, yet we also don't know how much longer we will be able to continue.  I love this quote......

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March Profile Showing

Just wanted to give a quick update that we will be having an out of state profile showing on Monday of next week (25th of March).  There will be approx 14 families shown coming from all over United States!  Baby is due in early May.  As always, please keep all the families involved in your prayers! We would LOVE to welcome a spring baby to our family this year :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Quick March Update!

Hello All!  We have just returned from our Mexico vacation and it was so amazing!  I forget how much I love going on trips with JUST ROSS :)  Though we missed the kids dearly, that one on one time is sure priceless. 

The adoption front has been a little busier than normal this last month.  We've been contacted to show our profile for two separate situations.  Unfortunately, both of them did not quite seem to be a good match for our family so we did not show our books.  In both situations, we prayed before we made the decisions and both of them seemed clear that it wasn't meant to be.  So we continue to wait!

Eagerly waiting for Spring and Summer.  This winter has seemed like the longest winter ever. I'm sure all of you can relate!