Tuesday, April 17, 2012

March updates

We're back! Our family trip to California has came to a close. It was wonderful and we can't wait to go back! I was hoping to come back to some adoption news but everything is still pretty quiet around here. We did get an update from our social worker highlighting what happened with the agency in March:

They worked with a total of 4 expectant parents this month, of those:

*1 Expectant parent that is making an adoption. They have been counseling this birthmother for the past two months and she is matched with a BCS family that she knew personally. Due early May 2012*1 expectant parent that is still trying to decide if she wants to parent or make an adoption plan. She is due May 2012. She has been counseled through BCS for the past two months. *2 Expectant parents that are moving towards parenting. One counseled since January 2012 and the other began counseling this month
Births/Placement's this Month:*1 Birthmother decided to parent at the birth of the child*2 babies placed with BCS families (currently in legal risk placement) in the Month of March.
1-BCS-Plymouth family based on a profile book showing in January.
1-BCS-Plymouth family based on a profile book showing in February in South

Profile Showings:
*2 in Naples, Florida.
-Expectant family requested a family that had personal experience with trans racial adoption, specifically African American.
-Expectant parents were of African American and African Caribbean descent. BCS-Plymouth family was matched with the expectant parents.

So as you can see....stuff is happening....just not a lot!

There are now 26 families waiting at our agency in MN. Of those, 4 of them are pending placements. I was overjoyed to see one of the families pending placement was a family that was in one of our classes! It warms my heart to see people you have met and talked to get placed. Prayers for these families are they enter the final adoption proceedings. And as always, prayers for our family as we wait patiently to complete ours.

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