Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What not to ask waiting adoptive parents....

"have you heard anything yet?"

The infamous question that I get asked by someone at least twice a week. As if I don't have a constant reminder every day with the new baby clothes still being hung perfectly in the closet, the cell phone still not ringing, and As if my son praying to God every night asking for a baby isn't enough reminder of not hearing anything yet. (Don't get me wrong...I LOVE that Nolan prays for our baby nightly, but it is also sometimes a hard reality and I often wonder when/if he will ever stop praying for a baby to arrive.)

I can almost guarantee you, if we have heard something everyone will know! I will probably not even have to say anything for everyone to know. My face will be glowing, a smile permanently glued on my face. A smile that shows yes, we have heard something. Our family is complete. I'm hoping that smile comes sooner than later.

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